Selasa, 21 Mei 2013

Paris City

I want to go to the French State more precisely, because paris is the most romantic city in the world. Not just romantic but its very beautiful and the atmosphere is very calm.I would love to visit there.

In paris I would love to visit the Eiffel Tower, Eiffel Tower as a symbol of the French State, not only that my reasons to the Eiffel Tower but I wanted to see firsthand how the splendor of the Eiffel Tower itself. A lot of people tell you that the Eiffel Tower was very lovely, what more if we take a walk in the evening we will see the glitter lights on the Eiffel Tower. Therefore, I would love to walk in the Eiffel Tower with a boyfriend or my husband. Not just with my boyfriend or husband, but I would like to invite my family to tour around the city.

I would love to visit there with my husband and my family's future, as the atmosphere there is very supportive and very-very beautiful.

Rabu, 24 April 2013

My Palace

I was on the way home jogoyudo number 79. In my house there are many rooms there is 3 bedroom: my parents, my room and my brother's room, then the living room, tv room, dining room, mosque, bathroom and kitchen.
This is My Favorite Room

My favorite room was in the room, even though my room was very simple, no poster, but I am comfortable when I am in the room. My habits are learned in that room, task, watch TV, surf and write a diary.

Resep Masakan Korea Kimchi

Bahan :
- 1 buah sawi putih
- 1/2 buah bawang bombay, iris tipis
- 1/4 wortel, iris tipis memanjang
- 1/4 lobak putih, iris tipis
- 4 batang daun bawang
- 2 sendok makan bawang putih, parut
- 1 sendok teh jahe, parut
- 1/2 gelas bubuk cabe Korea
- 2 sendok teh garam
- 1 sendok makan gula
- 1/2 gelas garam kasar / garam laut
- 1 gelas air cup water
- 1/3 gelas air
- 1/4 gelas saus ikan Korea
- 1 sendok makan tepung

Cara Membuat :
  • Belas sawi putih menjadi 4 bagian, cucui dan tiriskan. kemudian potonglah daun bwang menjadi irisan kecil-kecil. 
  • Campur 1/2 gelas garam kasar dengan 1 gelas air, lalu masukkan sawi putih ke dalam campuran air garam tadi dan rendam hingga 6- 8 jam atau semalaman. Setelah itu cuci dan keringkan.
  • Masukkan 1/3 gelas air dan 1 sendok makan tepung ke dalam panci dengan api sedang, lalu aduk hingga mendidih dan matikan apinya. Setelah itu diamkan.
  • Setelah campuran tepung dan air dingin, kemudian masukkan bubuk cabe Korea, garam, gula, saus ikan Korea, bawang putih parut dan jahe. Aduk hingga rata, lalu masukkan semua sayuran yang tersisa ( lobak, wortel, daun bawang).
  • Ambillah 1 bagian sawi putih, lalu isi dengan campuran di atas. Usahakan agar sawi dapat dilipat menjadi 2, lalu bungkus dengan bagian daunnya. 
  • Letakkan dalam wadah yang kedap udara dan biarkan semalaman, lalu simpan ke dalam kulkas selama 2 - 3 hari. 
  • Hidangkan dengan nasi.

Senin, 01 April 2013


when I was 11 years old, I had my family on vacation to the zoo.So much time was I was pleased to see a variety of animals in the the time my family and I again wandered around the zoo, I met with a that giraffe looks hungry, then I bought the beans and gave it to the giraffe.Initially I was afraid to give a giraffe eating, but eventually I'll also give the giraffe was eating.

I then toured again with my family, and I met an elephant, then my mom took me to get to his elephant, and then me and my mother up the elephants, elephants naek first I was afraid but over time so do not be afraid.I then wandered around, walking up the elephant suddenly I can not stand the smell of elephants together, hold me down from the elephants, I suddenly wanted to throw up but not finished, and finished up the elephant that I come home my family.

Minggu, 17 Maret 2013

All About Me

Iam a very innocent women,plain and equally sociable anyone.I was the one smiling and always cheerful to anyone.Actually my son crowded but my friends said, i reserved one.When my son did not like that.I once ignorant child, I once ignorant, the child might get mad at me...hehe