Selasa, 21 Mei 2013

Paris City

I want to go to the French State more precisely, because paris is the most romantic city in the world. Not just romantic but its very beautiful and the atmosphere is very calm.I would love to visit there.

In paris I would love to visit the Eiffel Tower, Eiffel Tower as a symbol of the French State, not only that my reasons to the Eiffel Tower but I wanted to see firsthand how the splendor of the Eiffel Tower itself. A lot of people tell you that the Eiffel Tower was very lovely, what more if we take a walk in the evening we will see the glitter lights on the Eiffel Tower. Therefore, I would love to walk in the Eiffel Tower with a boyfriend or my husband. Not just with my boyfriend or husband, but I would like to invite my family to tour around the city.

I would love to visit there with my husband and my family's future, as the atmosphere there is very supportive and very-very beautiful.

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